domingo, 9 de junio de 2013

Chapters 4 and 5

1- Why is it important for Lenina to publicly prove her unfaithfulness to Henry?

  Because Lenina has sexual relations with many different alpha people.She was a popular girl and she didn´t feel real love,because it doesn´t exist in that world..
The act of sex is controlled by a system of social rewards for promiscuity and lack of commitment.

2- Is it natural to be in a couple and raise a family in the Brave new World? Why/why not?
 No,it is not natural to in a couple and raise a family because there were no feelings so nobody felt in love or get married

3- What is the meaning of “pneumatic” when it is used to describe Lenina?
 Pneumatic refers to somebody who has the right curves in the right place.The word describe Lenina´s body 

4- What is “Soma” and why do people use it?
 Soma is a drug used to create pleasant sensations without any after effect.This drug ensures that no ane even feels pain or remans undhappy.Members of every caste receive rations of the drug.
Soma is the ideal pleasure drug

5- Was Bernard a tall or a short man? How did this affect his job? Please justify your answer by quoting from chapter 5.
Bernard was a short man ;He was not comfortable with the way he was, people in his job observing him and considered  different

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