domingo, 19 de mayo de 2013

Solution the Best Solution?

First video
    What is s/he discussing about?
     Topic: Embryonic stem cells
    She is discussing about the gap between new technologies and new model of investigation

b) IDENTIFY THE SPEAKER’S POINT OF VIEW (FOR/AGAINST)                                    Does s/he agree or disagree with this?
    She is for this new technology.
    She agrees on researching looking for specific cures to personal diseases using stem cells , because drugs  
    used at present have side effects on people causing them other diseases

c) DENTIFY TWO IMPORTANT ARGUMENTS THEY USE TO SUPPORT THEIR OPINION.                                                                                                                  Why does s/he agree or disagree with this? 
     Argument 1
    To create drugs and treatments, by means of clinical dish research on humans’ cells, that makes future treatments more effective and safer
     Argument 2 
     Avoid secondary effects of drugs used nowadays
Why does s/he agree or disagree with this?
Susan Solomon agrees because she  enables support for human stem cell research, aiming to cure major diseases and empower more personalized medicine

Second video
    What is s/he discussing about?
    Topic: evolution, genetic modification, neuroscience and genetic manipulation through technology
He is discussing about genetically cell manipulation

b) IDENTIFY THE SPEAKER’S POINT OF VIEW (FOR/AGAINST)                                          Does s/he agree or disagree with this?
   Paul Root Wolpe does not agree or disagree, the point is he questions the scope bio technology and genetic manipulation can reach. He examines the ethical implications of new science

c) DENTIFY TWO IMPORTANT ARGUMENTS THEY USE TO SUPPORT THEIR OPINION.                                                                                                                  Why does s/he agree or disagree with this?
Argument 1
To design and alter animal and humans bodies have ethical implications
Argument  2
He recalls the Bible to question how ethic this research could be

Why does s/he agree or disagree with this?
In some way Paul Root Wolpe disagrees since he states that at present there are not regulations that limit this type of research

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